His Excellency the Minister of Labor and Social Development receives candidates for the Distinguished Social Researcher Program

His Excellency the Minister of Labor and Social Development and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Social Studies and Research, Dr. Mufarrej bin Saad Al-Haqbani, received the trainees who qualified to join the Distinguished Social Researcher Program and who were nominated based on many tests, interviews and other scientific criteria. This program aims to prepare distinguished social researchers and provide them With basic and advanced knowledge, skills and experiences that help them prepare and implement scientific research in the social and development fields. This step comes from the National Center for Social Studies and Research as an initiative to support social research by finding skilled social researchers, and providing them with the skills and tools to conduct modern practical social research, which are required by the current stage that Saudi society is going through. And that was under the generous and thankful sponsorship of Saudi Aramco, in light of the memorandum of understanding that was signed between the two parties on 3/20/1437 AH corresponding to December 31, 2015 AD. And in cooperation and scientific partnership with the Saudi Society for Social Studies and Southern Illinois University in the United States.

His Excellency presented the candidates with the program portfolio, including the scientific program, which will start from 1/7/2016 for a period of two months in the United States. And the applied program, which will start in Riyadh on 1/9/2016 for a period of four months under the direct scientific supervision of the experts of the Saudi Society for Social Studies. His Excellency urged the trainees to exert their efforts in order to make the most of this distinguished program, as it will create a qualitative leap in the practice and preparation of social research.